Third Sunday in Lent
11.00 am. Family Communion. Hymns: 368, 391, 279, 547.
Next Sunday, 10th March. Fourth Sunday in Lent (Mothering Sunday). 8.00 am. Holy Communion; 11.00 am. Matins
Away Giving
Our Away Giving during March will be for the work of ARCOS — the Association for Rehabilitation of Communication and Oral Skills. This is a local therapy charity supporting children and adults with eating, drinking and/or swallowing difficulties and who require physical rehabilitation. The charity operates out of Hatherley Lodge in Avenue Road. Donations will be welcomed at church from today.
The Deanery Lent Course on Zoom
This continues today and all are invited to participate, as follows: 10th, 17th and 24th March from 5.30 to 6.30 pm.
The Zoom link is:
Meeting ID: 865 9425 5282 Passcode: 848920
Based on the Embrace the Middle East Resource, Healing & Hope in the One Household of God, each Sunday is a separate event – it does not require previous knowledge – only a Bible to look and follow the scripture references. It will also be a time of reflective prayer.
The March Newsletter would welcome your contributions. Please send your articles, poems, photos etc. by 5th March.
Open Garden Days at Little Malvern Court
These are on Fridays 15th and 22nd March. Help on the day, and cakes for sale, would be welcome. Proceeds go to the church. Please speak to Josie Lowe if you can help.
Holy Week and Easter services:
Palm Sunday, 24th March: 8.00 am. Holy Communion; 11.00 am. Matins
Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th March: 12.00 noon. Holy Week Meditation
Good Friday, 29th March: 10.30 am – ‘Churches Together’ Act of Witness in Great Malvern Priory churchyard.
12.00 noon – Good Friday service at LMP.
Easter Day, 31st March: 11.00 am. Family Communion (Common Worship)