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Home » Pewsheet 26th May

Pewsheet 26th May

    Trinity Sunday

    8.00 am. Holy Communion
    11.00 am. Matins. Psalm 29, page 378
    Hymns: 202, 421, 426, 392.

    Next Sunday, 2nd June. First Sunday after Trinity. 11.00 am. Family Communion.

    Contributions to June’s Newsletter will be appreciated. Please send your copy by 3rd June to  Thank-you.

    Our Away Giving for the month of June will be for the work of the Leprosy Mission. Leprosy is still found in more than 120 countries globally. Though the disease has been curable since 1982, there are 200,000 new cases reported annually, with between 2 and 3 million people permanently disabled due to leprosy. There will be more information available in church next week: please give generously.

    Friends’ Tea Party – Wednesday 5th June, Welland Village Hall at 3 pm. The Friends of Little Malvern Priory are organising a tea party for those who we do not manage to see as often as we would like to. Please let Alison Hunka know if you would like to come or know somebody who would. 07763 464305. We can arrange transport for anyone needing a lift.

    The Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Little Malvern Priory will be on Saturday 22nd June, in church at 3.00 pm, followed by Choral Evensong at 4.00 pm, when the preacher will be The Reverend Canon Dr. Stephen Edwards, Interim Dean of Worcester Cathedral. Please make a note of the date!

    Little Malvern Priory: Church Officers following the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on 13th May:
    Hon. Vicar and Chairman of the Parochial Church Council: The Reverend Stephen Sealy
    Churchwarden: Alison Hunka
    Ex-officio PCC members: Alex Berington (Patron), the Churchwarden, Pauline Cross (Deanery Synod Representative)
    Co-opted member: Ken Anstiss (Hon. Treasurer)
    Elected members: Jacqui Anstiss, Sarah-Ann Bradford, Josie Lowe, Malcolm Macleod, Barbara Thomas, Christine Thomas
    Deanery Synod Representatives: Alison Hunka, Pauline Cross
    Electoral Roll Officer: Peter Bradford

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