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Home » Pewsheet 30th June

Pewsheet 30th June

    Fifth Sunday after Trinity

    11.00 am. Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer).

    Hymns: 534, 536, 308, 555.

    Next Sunday, 7th July. Sixth after Trinity. 11.00 am. Family Communion

    Our Away Giving for the month of June is for the work of the Leprosy Mission. Leprosy is still found in more than 120 countries globally. Though the disease has been curable since 1982, there are still 200,000 new cases reported annually, with between 2 and 3 million people permanently disabled due to leprosy. Please look at the information available in church, and give as generously as you are able.

    The next Dean of Worcester Cathedral is to be The Reverend Canon Dr. Stephen Edwards, who is currently a Residentiary Canon at the Cathedral. We wish Stephen well on his appointment; please hold him in your prayers. Stephen will be installed as Dean on Sunday 15th September at 3.00 pm.

    Churches Together in Malvern invite you to ‘Picnic and Swim’ on Sunday 7th July at the grounds of the Elim International Centre in West Malvern – De Walden Road, WR14 4DF. Come along any time after 3.00 pm. The pool will be open from 3.30 to 4.30 – no charge! For more details see the Churches Together website –

    What3words. This system has coded the whole of the planet with approximately 3 metre squares and has allocated 3 words to every one. The Emergency Services like to have the three words for your location and then can look them up on their computers and know exactly where you are located.

    In an emergency at the church the 3 words for Little Malvern Priory are: STEPS, GEARING, CRUMBLES

    HARVEST WEEKEND – 5th/6th October 2024 – Advance Notice!

    Saturday 5th October: 7.00 pm. in church: “Desert Island Discs”: The Vicar reveals his eight favourites in conversation with Robert Jones (formerly Archdeacon of Worcester). All welcome; light refreshments will be served. Sunday 6th October: Harvest Thanksgiving.  11.00 am. Family Communion, followed by Harvest Lunch in Welland Village Hall. Look for more details nearer the time.

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