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Home » Pewsheet 7th April

Pewsheet 7th April


    Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia!

    11.00 am. Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)

    Hymns: 162, 150, 141, 158.

    TODAY: Malvern Churches Justice and Peace Group. OPEN MEETING. 3.00 pm at the Friends’ Meeting House, Orchard Road, WR14 3DA. “Is there any hope for peace in Israel/Palestine?” with The Reverend Colin Chapman – former lecturer at the Near East School of Theology, Beirut. Free entry – Retiring collection in aid of Friends of the Holy Land. Followed by light refreshments.

    Next Sunday, 14th April. (Third Sunday of Easter) 8.00 am. Holy Communion; 11.00 am. Matins

    Annual Parochial Church Meeting: This will take place in church on Monday 13th May at 6.00 pm. At this meeting reports are given on the business of the PCC in the last year; accounts are approved and elections held for the positions of churchwardens, parochial church council members and deanery synod representatives. Please do your best to be there!

    Thanks to all who helped to decorate the church for Easter; and to those who put together the ‘Instruments of the Passion’ display, and to our churchwardens, organists, singers and all who have contributed to our worship during Holy Week and Easter.

    Our March collection for ARCOS (the Association of Rehabilitation of Communication and Oral Skills) raised £166.77 for the charity. Thanks to all those who contributed.

    Saturday, 13th April. 12.00 noon. Funeral Service of Anna Markey.

    The funeral of Dorothea (Margaret) Williams, one time member of the congregation and flower-arranger, will take place at Little Malvern Priory at 11.00 am on Wednesday 17th April.

    Rogation Day walk – Monday 6th May, starting from Little Malvern Priory at 9.30 am. ‘Beating the Bounds.’ You are invited to join this traditional walk when the congregation walks the boundaries of the parish, and prayers are offered for the blessing of the crops. The route is approximately five miles, and there will be a ‘comfort stop’ on the way. Please bring food and drink to enjoy. Being on the Malvern Hills, there are of course, ups and downs, and two stiles. Walkers participate at their own risk. For further details, please ring Alison Hunka 07763 464305.

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