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There are services every Sunday morning at Little Malvern Priory which follow the monthly timetable below. There is further information about the different types of service below the table. For information about services in the coming week, please see the latest pewsheet.

Sunday Time Service
1st Sunday
Holy Communion
2nd Sunday

Holy Communion

Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday
Holy Communion
4th Sunday

Holy Communion

Morning Prayer
5th Sunday (if there is one)
Holy Communion

The 8 am. Communion services and the 11 am. Communion services on the First and Third Sundays follow the Church of England’s ‘Common Worship’ liturgy, using contemporary language.

Matins on the Second and Fourth Sundays, and the 11 am. Communion service on the Fifth Sunday use the 1662 Book of Common Prayer.

Hymns are sung at the 11 am services, and an address given. We also sing the canticles at Matins, to Anglican chant.

Catch up

If you were unable to attend the service, you can read or listen to the sermon and read the pew sheet. Click on the links below.

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