Remembrance Sunday
8.00 am. Holy Communion
10.50 am. Matins with Act of Remembrance
Hymns: 537, 355, 356, 413, 443, 354. Psalm46 (Prayer Book page 403)
Our collection today will be for the work of the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen’s Families Association (SSAFA).
Next Sunday, 17th November: Second Sunday before Advent. 11.00 am. Family Communion
Sustainable Church Flowers: Join florist Kate Hurst for a morning of flower stories and a demonstration sharing ideas for creating beautiful eco flower arrangements. 10 am to 12 noon. Saturday 23rd November at Holy Trinity, Malvern. Further details from Rev. Becky Elliott 07961 053860.
Holy Trinity and St. James’ Churches Advent Poetry Course, based on “Haphazard by Starlight” – a selection of poems – by Janet Morley. The sessions will be at Mary Constable’s home, 199 West Malvern Road. Tuesday mornings at 10.30 am on November 26th, December 3rd and December 10th. This book is available both second hand and new on the internet or can be ordered through the Lyttelton Well bookshop. Please contact Mary (572437) if you are interested in coming or have any further questions.
The Malvern and Upton Deanery invites you an Advent Carol Service -‘Darkness to Light’ – at Great Malvern Priory on Sunday 1st December at 6.30 pm.
“HOW LONG, O LORD” – Robert Palmer (1888-1916)
How long, O Lord, how long, before the flood
Of crimson-welling carnage shall abate?
From sodden plains in West and East the blood
Of kindly men streams up in mists of hate,
Polluting Thy clean air: and nations great
In reputation of the arts that bind
The world with hopes of Heaven, sink to the state
Of brute barbarians, whose ferocious mind
Gloats o’er the bloody havoc of their kind,
Not knowing love or mercy, Lord, how long
Shall Satan in high places lead the blind
To battle for the passions of the strong?
Oh, touch Thy children’s hearts, that they may know
Hate their most hateful, pride their deadliest foe.