Third Sunday in Advent
11.00 am. Family Communion
Hymns: 34, 24, 309, 444.
Prayer for the lighting of the Third Advent Candle:
Lord God, your prophet John the Baptist was witness to the truth as a burning and shining light. May we your servants rejoice in his light, and so be led to witness to him who is the Lord of our coming kingdom, Jesus our Saviour and King of the ages. Amen.
Next Sunday: 22nd December: Advent 4. 8.00 am. Holy Communion; 11.00 am. Matins; 6.00 pm. Service of Lessons and Carols
The Christmas Card Charity Shop is now open at ARCOS on the corner of Avenue Road and Church Street, Malvern. Open this week Monday to Thursday 19th December: 10.00 am to 4.00 pm.
“Arise Gifts” – made by women in India seeking to support their families: beautiful and ethical bags, jewellery, cards, cushions and other accessories all made from recycled materials. Items available for purchase at Malvern Evangelical Church, 204-208 Pickersleigh Road, WR14 2QX. Friday 13th December 2.00-4.00pm and Saturday 14th December 10.00am-4.00 pm.
Thursday 19th December at Little Malvern Priory: 7.00 pm. ‘Vital Spark’ – Christmas music by the local ‘West Gallery’ choir featuring 18th/19th-century traditional carols and hymns. Retiring collection in aid of the Malvern Hills Foodbank.
Would you like to sponsor the floodlighting of the Priory for an evening over the Christmas/New Year period in memory of a loved one? Please see the notice in the porch for details, and for the available dates.
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity runs from 18th to 25th January, and Malvern Churches Together will be holding a united service at St. Matthias’ Church, Malvern Link, on Sunday 19th January at 4.00 pm. The preacher will be The Reverend Dr. Simo Frestadius, Vice-Principal of Regents Theological College.
CHRISTMAS SERVICES at Little Malvern Priory:
Sunday 22nd December. 6.00 pm. Christmas Carol Service with the St. Giles’ Singers.
Christmas Eve, 24th December. 4.00 pm. Christingle Service with Blessing of the Crib. 11.30 pm. Midnight Communion with carols.
Christmas Day, 25th December. 11.00 am. Family Communion with Carols.