Second Sunday of Epiphany
11.00 am. Family Communion
Hymns: 87 (omit verse 4), 489, 90, 418.
Next Sunday 26th January – 3rd Sunday of Epiphany: 8.00 am. Holy Communion; 11.00 am. Matins
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity runs from 18th to 25th January, and Malvern Churches Together is holding a united service at St. Matthias’ Church, Malvern Link, TODAY at 4.00 pm. The preacher will be The Reverend Dr. Simo Frestadius, Vice-Principal of Regents Theological College.
This week there will be opportunities to meet and pray in various local churches, joining in their regular times of prayer including the following :
Monday 20th January at St Mary’s at 9.00am and St Joseph’s at 11.30am
Tuesday 21st January at Malvern Priory at 9.00am
Wednesday 22nd January at Malvern Baptist at 7.30pm
Thursday 23rd Jan at Beacon Elim at Cowleigh Road Gospel Hall at 9.00am or on zoom* at 7.00pm
Friday 24th January at St Andrew’s at 9.00am
And Saturday 25th January Prayer Walk from Lyttelton Well at 9.30 am.
Our collection for the Malvern Hills Foodbank taken at the Vital Spark concert and the Carol Service raised £530. The Foodbank’s treasurer has written with ‘very many thanks’ to the congregation. He continues, “Despite regular large donations of food we still need to buy-in various foods, toiletries and cleaning materials, in addition to buying-in fresh food items stored in our fridges and freezers.”
Leaflets publicising our ‘875’ celebrations are now available for distribution. Please do take as many as you would like to pass on to family, friends or other contacts – and of course for yourself!
Come and take part in HMS Pinafore, the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta. Be a sailor, sister, cousin or aunt! Saturday 1st February at St. James’ Church, Welland. Chorus rehearsal 5.30 pm; performance with local soloists and band at 7.30 pm. Vocal scores provided. £10 to sing; £10 to listen. More information from Alison Hunka – 07763 464305 or