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Home » Pewsheet 1st December

Pewsheet 1st December

    Advent Sunday

    11.00 am. Family Communion.  Hymns: 29, 40, 32, 37.

    Prayer for the lighting of the First Advent Candle:

    Lord Jesus, we give thanks for our father Abraham, who by faith obeyed your call and became the father of many nations. Give us faith to listen to your voice, that our hearts may be filled with the hope of our Lord Jesus. Amen.

    Next Sunday: 8th December: Advent 2.  8.00 am. Holy Communion; 11.00 am. Matins.

    The Christmas Card Charity Shop is now open at ARCOS on the corner of Avenue Road and Church Street, Malvern. Open until Thursday 19th December: 10.00 am to 4.00 pm Mondays to Fridays and 10.00 am to 1.00 pm on Saturdays.

    Holy Trinity and St. James’ Churches Advent Poetry Course, based on “Haphazard by Starlight” – a selection of poems – by Janet Morley.  The sessions will be at Mary Constable’s home, 199 West Malvern Road. Tuesday mornings at 10.30 am on November 26th, December 3rd and December 10th. This book is available both second hand and new on the internet or can be ordered through the Lyttelton Well bookshop. Please contact Mary (572437) if you are interested in coming or have any further questions.

    The Malvern and Upton Deanery invites you to an Advent Carol Service  -‘Darkness to Light” – at Great Malvern Priory today – Sunday 1st December at 6.30 pm.

    Messy Vintage Christmas Celebration” – a fun informal service, will be held at Holy Trinity, Link Top on Thursday 5th December at 2.00 pm. All are welcome – especially those people living with Dementia or with Special Needs, and their carers.

    Thursday 19th December at Little Malvern Priory: 7.00 pm. ‘Vital Spark’ – Christmas music by the local ‘West Gallery’ choir featuring 18th/19th-century traditional carols and hymns. Retiring collection in aid of the Malvern Hills Foodbank.

    Contributions to the December edition of the newsletter are welcomed. Copy please to by 2nd December. If you wish your name(s) added to the Christmas wishes in this edition, please add to the list on the notice board. Donations for church funds would be appreciated; please pass to the churchwarden.

    Would you like to sponsor the floodlighting of the Priory for an evening over the Christmas/New Year period in memory of a loved one? Please see the notice in the porch for details, and for the available dates.

    Christmas Services at Little Malvern Priory:

    Sunday 22nd December. 6.00 pm. Christmas Carol Service with the St. Giles’ Singers.

    Christmas Eve, 24th December. 4.00 pm. Christingle Service with Blessing of the Crib. 11.30 pm. Midnight Communion with carols.

    Christmas Day, 25th December. 11.00 am. Family Communion with Carols.

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