21st Sunday after Trinity
11.00 am. Family Communion
Celebrant and Preacher: Canon Greville Cross
Hymns: 604, 496, 505, 442.
Next Sunday, 27th October (Last Sunday after Trinity): 8.00 am. Holy Communion; 11.00 am. Matins.
NB: Clocks go back one hour 26th/27th October.
Our annual Service of Love and Remembrance will be held at Little Malvern Priory on Thursday 31st October at 3.00 pm, giving thanks for the lives of the faithful departed. If you would like somebody’s name mentioned at the service, please let the Vicar know. All are very welcome to attend.
Following September’s Away Giving for Amaze, the Malvern-based organisation supporting homeless people, £319 has been sent to the charity. Alison’s MacMillan coffee morningraised £360, and donations for the charity Railway Children at last week’s Desert Island Discs produced £250. Thanks to you all for your generosity.
Matins on Remembrance Sunday, 10th November, will start at 10.50 am, to allow for the Act of Remembrance and the two minutes’ silence at 11.00.
There are two job opportunities at The Lyttelton Well: Office Manager and Volunteer Co-Ordinator. If you are interested, or know anybody who might be, please consult Lytteltonwell.co.uk/vacancies for further information, job descriptions and contact details. Please keep Lyttelton Well in your prayers as they seek to fill these positions.
Creative Arts Day – Saturday 9th November, 10 am to 4 pm: ‘Encounter Jesus through Art’ at The Wellspring, Ledbury. Workshop Leader – Candy Hockney. For more information or to book, contact thewellspring.uk/events
Dying Well: Christian perspectives on end-of-life care, assisted dying and euthanasia. Talk and discussion with Dr. Michael Harper (formerly of St. Richard’s Hospice). 6.30 pm. Sunday 27th October at Malvern Baptist Church, Abbey Road, WR14 3HG
Sustainable Church Flowers: Join florist Kate Hurst for a morning of flower stories and a demonstration sharing ideas for creating beautiful eco flower arrangements. 10 am to 12 noon. Saturday 23rd November at Holy Trinity, Malvern. Further details from Rev. Becky Elliott 07961 053860.