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Home » Pewsheet 22nd December

Pewsheet 22nd December

    Fourth Sunday in Advent

    We wish you all a very Peaceful and Holy Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    8.00 am. Holy Communion

    11.00 am. Matins – Psalm 144, prayer book page 531

    Hymns: 49 omit verse 4, 27, 58, 362.

    Prayer for the lighting of the Fourth Advent Candle:

    Lord Jesus, Light of the world, blessed is Gabriel who brought good news; blessed is Mary your mother and ours. Bless your Church preparing for Christmas; and bless us your children who long for your coming. Amen.

    THIS EVENING: 6.00 pm.         Traditional Festival of Lessons and Carols, led by the St. Giles’ Singers.

    CHRISTMAS EVE, Tuesday 24th December. 4.00 pm. Christingle Service with the Blessing of the Crib. Children especially welcome; please bring an orange prepared ready for the glowlight. Collection for The Children’s Society.

    11.30 pm. Christmas Midnight Communion with carols

    CHRISTMAS DAY, Wednesday 25th December. 11.00 am. Family Communion with carols

    SUNDAY 29th DECEMBER – First Sunday after Christmas. 11.00 am. Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)

    SUNDAY 5th JANUARY – Epiphany of Our Lord. 11.00 am. Family Communion (Common Worship)

    The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity runs from 18th to 25th January, and Malvern Churches Together will be holding a united service at St. Matthias’ Church, Malvern Link, on Sunday 19th January at 4.00 pm. The preacher will be The Reverend Dr. Simo Frestadius, Vice-Principal of Regents Theological College.

    Come and take part in HMS Pinafore, the Gilbert and Sullivan operatta. Be a sailor, sister, cousin or aunt! Saturday 1st February at St. James’ Church, Welland. Chorus rehearsal 5.30 pm; performance with local soloists and band at 7.30 pm. Vocal scores provided. £10 to sing; £10 to listen. More information from Alison Hunka – 07763 464305 or

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