The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
11.00 am. Family Communion
Hymns: Longing for light (see separate sheet), 244, 94, 44.
During the service the choir will sing “When to the temple Mary went” – words based on today’s gospel, music by Johannes Eccard (1553-1611)
Next Sunday: 9th February – 4th Sunday before Lent: 8.00 am. Holy Communion; 11.00 am. Matins.
Leaflets publicising our ‘875’ celebrations are now available for distribution. Please do take as many as you would like to pass on to family, friends or other contacts – and of course for yourself!
‘The First 800 Years’ – our opening ‘875’ celebration event takes place on Saturday 1st March at 2.30 pm in the Prior’s Hall of Little Malvern Court (please enter through the church). Admission Free. David Bryer and David Morrison (Librarian and Archivist at Worcester Cathedral) will explore the relationship between Little Malvern Priory and Worcester Cathedral, starting with the original 12th-century monastery and following events in the history of the church and the Court.
Well Counselling Service Fundraising Quiz Night – Saturday 8th February. In the Lyttelton Rooms Main Hall. Doors open 7 pm. Cost £3.00 per head plus a contribution for tea, coffee, squash, biscuits etc. Proceeds for the Well Counselling.
Churches Together in Malvern: Coffee morning at the Lyttelton Well Café on Tuesday 11th February, 10.00 – 11.30 am. A chance to enjoy the company of people from other churches in Malvern. No need to reserve – just turn up!
Two events at the Wellspring, Ledbury: Quiet Day – Saturday 15th February – “The Forgiven Woman” – 10 am to 4 pm. Saturday 22nd February – “Foundations of Faith – Created for Holiness” – 10 am to 4 pm. For more details, please see
Ash Wednesday, 5th March. 12.00 noon. Holy Communion with the Imposition of Ashes.