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Home » Pewsheet 3rd November

Pewsheet 3rd November

    All Saints’ Sunday

    11.00 am. Family Communion

    Hymns: 232 (verses 1 to 4 and 8), 227, 229, 215.

    Next Sunday (10th November) is Remembrance Sunday. Matins will start at 10.50 am, to allow for the Act of Remembrance and the two minutes’ silence at 11.00.

    There will also be Holy Communion at 8.00 am.

    Creative Arts Day – Saturday 9th November, 10 am to 4 pm: ‘Encounter Jesus through Art’ at The Wellspring, Ledbury. Workshop Leader – Candy Hockney.  For more information or to book, contact

    Well Counselling Service Fundraising Quiz Night – Saturday 9th November – The monthly fundraising quiz evening will take place in the Lyttelton Rooms Main Hall on Saturday 9th November. The doors open at 7 pm and the quiz gets going at about 7.30.  The cost is £3.00 per head plus a contribution for tea, coffee, squash, biscuits etc.  proceeds for the Well Counselling.

    Sustainable Church Flowers: Join florist Kate Hurst for a morning of flower stories and a demonstration sharing ideas for creating beautiful eco flower arrangements. 10 am to 12 noon. Saturday 23rd November at Holy Trinity, Malvern. Further details from Rev. Becky Elliott 07961 053860.

    Holy Trinity and St. James’ Churches Advent Poetry Course, based on “Haphazard by Starlight” – a selection of poems – by Janet Morley.  The sessions will be at Mary Constable’s home, 199 West Malvern Road on Tuesday mornings at 10.30 am on November 26th, December 3rd and December 10th.

    This book of poems is available both second hand and new on the internet or can be ordered through the Lyttelton Well bookshop. Please contact Mary (572437) if you are interested in coming or have any further questions.

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