10th Sunday after Trinity
11.00 am. Family Communion
Hymns: 163, 379, 377, 482
Next Sunday 11th August, 11th after Trinity. 8.00 am. Holy Communion; 11.00 am. Matins
Thanks to all who contributed to our collection for work of the Leprosy Mission during the month of June. A wonderful total of £613.65 was raised.
As part of the process to decide on the next Bishop of Worcester, following the retirement of The Rt. Revd. Dr. John Inge, the diocese is inviting everyone to ‘Join the Conversation’ to decide what experience, skills and qualities we would like in our new diocesan bishop. There is an on-line survey to facilitate this: it can be found at www.cofe-worcester.org.uk/join-the-conversation This should only take ten minutes of your time, and should be completed by 1st August.
If you would like to contribute to a leaving gift for Bishop John, this may be sent by bank transfer to the Worcester Diocesan Board of Finance Ltd., Lloyds Bank, The Cross, Worcester. Sort Code 30 99 90, a/c number 02974040 (reference BISHOP COLLECTION. Thank you. A farewell service will be held in Worcester Cathedral on Sunday 29th September at 4.00 pm, and all are welcome.
Saturday 5th October: 7.00 pm in church: ‘Desert Island Discs’: the Vicar reveals his eight favourites in conversation with Robert Jones (formerly Archdeacon of Worcester). All welcome; light refreshments will be served.
Sunday 6th October: Harvest Thanksgiving. 11.00 am. Family Communion, followed by Harvest Lunch in Welland Village Hall. Look for more details nearer the time.
A prayer for Southport issued by Christian leaders in the North West: Gracious God, words alone cannot express our sadness and disbelief, our heartbreak and anguish, when such precious lives are so brutally stolen. We offer to you the cries of our own hearts, and pray for those families whose grief and loss is impossible to comprehend. Help us all to cling to hope even amidst this senseless brutality. Be close to all whose lives have been so cruelly scarred; surround them with your love; hold them fast in their sorrow, and grant them strength amidst their unbearable pain. We cannot escape our anger and devastation, but choose to seek hope even amidst this darkness. For all its horror, may it spur us even more never to surrender to despair, but to build a world where peace, hope and love prevail. Amen.