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Home » Pewsheet – 5th January

Pewsheet – 5th January

    The Epiphany of Our Lord

    We wish you all a very Happy New Year!

    11.00 am. Family Communion

    Hymns: 81, 85, 91, 83.

     Next Sunday 12th January The Baptism of Christ: 8.00 am. Holy Communion; 11.00 am. Matins

    The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity runs from 18th to 25th January, and Malvern Churches Together will be holding a united service at St. Matthias’ Church, Malvern Link, on Sunday 19th January at 4.00 pm. The preacher will be The Reverend Dr. Simo Frestadius, Vice-Principal of Regents Theological College.

    Come and take part in HMS Pinafore, the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta. Be a sailor, sister, cousin or aunt! Saturday 1st February at St. James’ Church, Welland. Chorus rehearsal 5.30 pm; performance with local soloists and band at 7.30 pm. Vocal scores provided. £10 to sing; £10 to listen. More information from Alison Hunka – 07763 464305 or

    “SUITABLE PRESENTS” – A poem for Epiphany by Ann Lewin

    If it’s the thought that counts,

    What were they thinking of – to give him these: gold, frankincense and myrrh?

    Extraordinary gifts to give a child.

    When Mary pondered, later, on these things,

    I wonder if she thought that these are given to all –

    Gold our potential; gifts that make us Royal, each in our own domain.

    Incense: our aspirations, prayers and dreams, calling us on;

    Myrrh: soothing healing for our pain.

    Not gifts for children,

    But, like him, we’ll grow.

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